Wednesday, September 23, 2009

35 Days

Motherhood 101…
Everyone has been giving me advice and sharing stories. Not of labor and delivery (thank goodness) but of just what to do as a mother. How to respond, how to discipline, what to give in to, what not to give in to…it’s overwhelming. When I thought of all these things I realized that many contradicted the other. Some prefer time-outs, some prefer spanking. Some think you should start potty training at a certain age, others say let him decide when he’s ready. Oh, the advice goes on and on. I was worried. What would we do? How would we decide which is best? Then I realized, all of these people have great kids. Some of them are my friends! It made me wonder, “Is there a right or wrong way?” No. There can’t be. Whatever Danny and I decide will work and will be our way. I tend to look at the way I was raised and think that’s the way we’ll do it. Danny and I have pretty much the same thoughts but when these situations are real and not hypothetical, who knows?!? I don’t know how we’ll react. All we can do is pray for wisdom in dealing with situations, good and bad. I’m sure that we’ll figure it out just fine.

And then, I am anxious to see how I feel about things. Some moms say they are bored out of their minds being at home with their baby because all the baby does is sleep. Other moms I talk to say they loved and enjoyed that time, wouldn’t trade it for anything. How will I feel? Will I be bored? Will I wish I could keep him little like that forever? Will it be a combination of the two? I don’t know. I can’t wait to find out!!!

There are so many unknowns right now. I am ready to know!

Sometimes I wish people understood more about my life. I think people think Danny and I are a quiet couple who stay home and enjoy the relaxation. When in reality we are the total opposite. Almost every night there is something going on and there are people at our house all the time. We are always on the go and until recently (I’m so tired all the time now) there were many days we left for work in the morning and didn’t get home until late (props to Mom for letting our dog out for us). There was no time to go home. I love that craziness. I love being with friends, family, church. It’s really all I know and it’s all important to me. I am looking forward to the break though. The peace and quiet. The relaxation of Danny and I being home together with Dallas for a few weeks. People tell me to enjoy the peace and quiet now but I haven’t known peace and quiet…..maybe ever. Sure there are times when we feel like we’re going to crash if we don’t take a break, but for the most part we are Energizer bunnies! This has always been a part of my life and it most likely will always be! God has provided us with opportunities to serve Him and to dismiss those would be sad and just plain ungrateful. We love serving Him and His kingdom. What else really matters? Anything else I do is in vain. He is all I want, all I need, and all I have in this life. Moments, things, and people pass away but He is always constant. He is always there!

Random thought...
I could really go for some waffles, hash browns, and bacon right now.

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